Boons Prophecy
Boon Bar
Dude's Queen
Docs Oaks Sugar
PC Docs Prophiness
PC Oakita Boon
Doc's Oak
Susie's Bay
Sun Frost
Poco Cokey
Boon Dox John
Docs Frosts Fancy
Boons Prophecy b. 2016 ​
PC Docs Prophiness full sister to PC Oakita Boon
maternal 1/2 sib in blood to PC Sunkita Boon
PC Boonlacious 3/4 sib to PC Dox Cajun
Rodeo/Peformance sire for Gunn Ranch​
Sun Lace dam of:
PC Boonlacious
PC Lacy Lox dam of: ​​
PC Logans Run- Money Earning Calf Horse​
PC Lockwood Lace dam of:
T4 Broodmare PC Lonsun Lace​
Broodmare PC Suntrific
PC Bonita Lady dam of:​​
PC Strika Frost- 1D Barrel Money Earner​
PC Driftin Lace dam of:​
PC Judge Cashnlace Fut/Derby/1D Money Earner​
WPRA 1D Futurity Champion
PC Soon To Boon dam of:​​
PC Sydney Frost: dam of
Frosted French Silk- 1D Barrels
- Frost Strans Whiskey PRCA Tripper​
PC Soonto Frost- Money Earning Header​​~​
PC Boodles of Cash dam of​:
Bundle of Cash- PRCA Dogging Horse​
T4 Broodmare PC Dox Lace​